Marco Tavernese Law Firm

The Marco Tavernese Law Firm was born from the skills gained by its young founder during his studies in leading Italian and foreign universities, as well as from his professional experience acquired at prestigious law firms in Rome and Milan.

The firm offers assistance and advice in all areas of business law and labour law and industrial relations, addressing both the business world and the world of associations and individuals. We also offer judicial and extrajudicial assistance in all matters of civil law, as well as corporate law, providing each client with a personalized and transversal service.

The propensity of the Firm’s professionals and collaborators for issues relating to social rights and the protection of the weakest is also marked, with specific attention to the needs related to disability, school and, more generally, welfare and social security benefits.

In addition to the personal and direct relationship established with the client – typical of the tradition of Italian law firms – there is an innovative approach in the techniques of work organization as well as scientific rigor in the analysis of the problems constantly examined in the framework of the EU and international legal system.

In order to provide highly specialized answers in the various areas of law, but at the same time in line with the implications that derive from the issues dealt with from time to time, the firm systematically makes use of external professionals in the awareness that only through a strong vocation for multidisciplinarity is it possible to fully analyze and solve the problems of its Clients.

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